
    西部妇幼医学研究院 PI介绍详细


    1. 职称:研究员

    2. 学历:博士

    3. 研究方向:生殖生物学与生殖医学的表观遗传调控机制,不育症的分子诊断与应用研究

    4. 联系电话:028-85502290

    5. 电子邮箱:xuwenming1973@163.com

    6. 个人简介:许文明,现为教育部出生缺陷与相关妇儿疾病重点实验室PI,研究生导师。北京医科大学医学学士,医学遗传学硕士,香港中文大学生理学哲学博士, 美国哥伦比亚大学肿瘤遗传研究所肿瘤遗传学博士后。尊龙凯时优秀青年基金获得者(2011年)。国家重点基础研究计划《辅助生殖安全性评估》项目骨干,自然科学基金委中加国际合作项目等。主要研究方向为生殖生物学与生殖医学的表观遗传调控机制,不育症的分子诊断与应用研究。发表生殖生物学与生殖医学相关的SCI论文十余篇。代表作发表于PNAS,Journal of Cell Science,Fertility&Sterility等相关专业杂志。目前主要的研究重点为生殖干细胞的基础与临床应用研究;辅助生殖相关的表观遗传学调控与男性不育的分子机制。

    7. 主要科研项目:






    (1)Yang Yue, He Guolin, XuWenming, Liu Xinghui, ENaC mediates human extravilloustrophblast celllines (HTR8) invasion by regulating levels of matrix me-x-talloproteinase 2 (MMP2)Placenta, 2014.

    (2)Shengkai, Xu Wenming. The role of Histone Ubiquitination duringspermatogenesis 2014 Biomed Res Int 870695.

    (3)Chen Li, Xu Wenming,ZhangDan, Theassociatetion of abdominal obesity,insulin resistance and oxidative stressinadipose tissue in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) Fertility&Sterility102,1167-74

    (4)Huang Sizhou, Xu Wenming, Luo Linfei, Distinctmechanisms determine organ left-right asymmetry patterning in an uncoupled way.Bioessay,2014,36.293-304

    (5)  Guolin He,WenmingXu, Yan Chen, Xinghui Liu, Mingrong Xi Abnormal apoptosis of trophoblasticcells is related to the up-regulation of CYP11A gene in placenta of preeclampsia patients。 2013 Plos one 8(8)e72153 (共同第一作者)

    (6)Shan Wang, Guolin He, YueYang, Ying Liu, Ruiying Diao, Kai Sheng, Xinghui Liu, Wenming Xu Reduced ex-x-pression of Enac in Placenta Tissues of Patientswith Severe Preeclampsia Is Related to Compromised Trophoblastic Cell Migrationand Invasion during Pregnancy 2013 Plos one e59609 (共同通讯作者)

    (7)Hui Chen1,2, Ye Chun Ruan2, Wen Ming Xu1, Jing Chen2,3, and HsiaoChang Chan Regulation of male fertility by CFTR and implications in maleinfertility. Human Reproduction Update, Vol.0, No.0 pp. 1–11, 2012 (影响因子:9.2)

    (8)  Xu W, Hui C, Yu SS, Jing C, Chan HC(2011) MicroRNAs and CFTR-an epigenetic perspective. Cell biology international;35 463-466.

    (9)Xu WM, Chen J, Chen H, DiaoRY, Fok KL, Dong JD, Sun TT, Chen WY, Yu MK, Zhang XH, TsangLL, Lau A, Shi QX, Shi QH, Huang PB, Chan HC (2011) Defective CFTR-dependentCREB activation results in impaired spermatogenesis and azoospermia  PLoS One. 6(5)e19120.

    (10)Domenico D’ Arca, Xudong Zhao, WenmingXu, Nadya C. Ramirez-Martinez, Antonio Iavarone, and Anna Lasorella.The Huwe1 ubiquitin ligase is essential to synchronize neuronal and glialdifferentiation in the developing cerebellum Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.30;107(13):5875-5880, 2010.

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