


专家 博士生导师

科    室 西部妇幼医学研究院

是否在职 在职

招生方向 母婴医学/应激生物学



1.职称 教授
2.学历 博士
3.联系电话 86-28-85502290;
4.电子邮箱 hsiaocchan@cuhk.edu.hk
尊龙凯时-香港中文大学生殖医学联合实验室主任,香港中文大学医学院李嘉诚生理学讲座教授,博士生导师。国家自然科学奖(二等,2008),全国妇幼健康科学技术奖(科学成果奖,一等,2015),多次获上海、浙江等省市科学技术奖。于1999年建立了中国首个上皮细胞生物学研究中心,长期以来致力于上皮细胞生物学和生殖生物学的研究,并推动相关领域在中国的发展,取得了一系列国际领先的成果,先后在Science,Nature Cell Biology,Nature Medicine, Lancet,PNAS等高影响因子杂志发表论文近200余篇,累积被引用次数近3000次。她同时担任《Physiology》,《Journal of PhysiologicalSciences》,《Cell Biology International》,《中国科学》,《生殖与发育生物学》,《生殖与避孕》等多个国内、国际科学期刊的编委;曾担任世界卫生组织WHO,美国国家科学基金会,英国Welcome Trust以及中国,德国,意大利。以色列和奥地利等多个国家基金组织的课题评审员。先后领导或参与包括科技部973,国家自然科学基金及香港、国际等20多个重大科研项目。在上皮细胞生物学和生殖生物学相关领域具有深厚的学术背景,并享有很高的学术声誉。2009年创建并主持设于尊龙凯时华西第二尊龙凯时的尊龙凯时—香港中文大学生殖医学联合实验室,并以此作为推动内地与香港合作的一个重要平台。
Director of Sichuan University - Chinese University of Hong Kong JointLaboratory for Reproductive Medicine, also Li Ka ShingProfessor of Physiology of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.. She has establishedthe first Epithelial Cell Biology Research Center in China in 1999, and hassince then committed to the epithelial cell biology and reproductive biologyresearch and promoted the development of related fields in China, her work haspublished in a series of leading international journals including Science,Nature Cell Biology, Lancet, PNAS published nearly 200 articles, and has beencited near 3000 times. She also served editorial boards in the"Physiology", “Journal of Physiological Sciences”, CellBiology International "," Chinese Science "," Reproductiveand Developmental Biology "," Reproduction and contraception” and other international scientific journals; and served as areviewer for grant applications to the World Health Organization (WHO), theU.S. national Science Foundation, the British Welcome Trust etc. She has led orparticipated in “973”, theNational Natural Science Foundation and the Hong Kong “RGC” over 20 major research projects, thus enjoyed a high academicreputation in the epithelial cell biology and related fields. Created in 2009,the Sichuan University-Chinese University of Hong Kong Joint Laboratory ofReproductive Medicine located in West China Second University Hospital ofSichuan University, and served as an important platform to promote cooperationbetween the Mainland China and Hong Kong.

(1)J.H.Guo, H. Chen, Y.C. Ruan, X.L. Zhang, X.H. Zhang, K.L. Fok, L.L. Tsang, M.K. Yu,W.Q. Huang, X. Sun, Y.W. Chung, X. Jiang, Y. Sohma, H.C. Chan, Glucose-inducedelectrical activities and insulin secretion in pancreatic islet beta-cells aremodulated by CFTR, Nat Commun 5 (2014) 4420.

(2)DiaoR, Fok KL, Chen H, Yu MK, Duan Y, Chung CM, Li Z, Wu H, Li Z, Zhang H, Ji Z,Zhen W, Ng CF, Gui Y, Cai Z, Chan HC. Deficient human β-defensin 1 underliesmale infertility associated with poor sperm motility and genital tractinfection. Sci Transl Med. 2014 Aug 13;6(249):249ra108.

(3)G.Guo, X. Sun, C. Chen, S. Wu, P. Huang, Z. Li, M. Dean, Y. Huang, W. Jia, Q.Zhou, A. Tang, Z. Yang, X. Li, P. Song, X. Zhao, R. Ye, S. Zhang, Z. Lin, M.Qi, S. Wan, L. Xie, F. Fan, M.L. Nickerson, X. Zou, X. Hu, L. Xing, Z. Lv, H.Mei, S. Gao, C. Liang, Z. Gao, J. Lu, Y. Yu, C. Liu, L. Li, X. Fang, Z. Jiang,J. Yang, C. Li, X. Zhao, J. Chen, F. Zhang, Y. Lai, Z. Lin, F. Zhou, H. Chen,H.C. Chan, S. Tsang, D. Theodorescu, Y. Li, X. Zhang, J. Wang, H. Yang, Y. Gui,J. Wang, Z. Cai, Whole-genome and whole-exome sequencing of bladder canceridentifies frequent alterations in genes involved in sister chromatid cohesionand segregation, Nat Genet 45(12) (2013) 1459-63.

(4)Y.C.Ruan, J.H. Guo, X. Liu, R. Zhang, L.L. Tsang, J.D. Dong, H. Chen, M.K. Yu, X.Jiang, X.H. Zhang, K.L. Fok, Y.W. Chung, H. Huang, W.L. Zhou, H.C. Chan,Activation of the epithelial Na+ channel triggers prostaglandin E(2) releaseand production required for embryo implantation, Nat Med 18(7) (2012) 1112-7.
(5). Y.C. Lu, H. Chen, K.L.Fok, L.L. Tsang, M.K. Yu, X.H. Zhang, J. Chen, X. Jiang, Y.W. Chung, A.C. Ma,A.Y. Leung, H.F. Huang, H.C. Chan, CFTR mediates bicarbonate-dependentactivation of miR-125b in preimplantation embryo development, Cell research22(10) (2012) 1453-66.
(6).C. Xie, X.H. Jiang, J.T. Zhang, T.T. Sun, J.D. Dong, A.J. Sanders, R.Y. Diao,Y. Wang, K.L. Fok, L.L. Tsang, M.K. Yu, X.H. Zhang, Y.W. Chung, L. Ye, M.Y.Zhao, J.H. Guo, Z.J. Xiao, H.Y. Lan, C.F. Ng, K.M. Lau, Z.M. Cai, W.G. Jiang,H.C. Chan, CFTR suppresses tumor progression through miR-193b targetingurokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) in prostate cancer, Oncogene 32(18)(2013) 2282-91, 2291 e1-7
(7). Liu Y, Jiang X, Zhang X,Chen R, Sun T, Fok KL, Dong J, Tsang LL, Yi S, Ruan Y, Guo J, Yu MK, Tian Y,Chung YW, Yang M, Xu W, Chung CM, Li T, Chan HC. (2011) Dedifferentiation-reprogrammed mesenchymal stemcells with improved therapeutic potential. Stem Cells. 29(12):2077-89.
(8).Zhang WK, Wang D, Duan Y, Loy MM, Chan HC, Huang P. (2010) Mechanosensitivegating of CFTR. Nature Cell Biology. 12(7):507-512.
(9). Chan HC, Ruan YC, He Q,Chen MH, Chen H, Xu WM, Chen WY, Xie C, Zhang XH, Zhou Z (2009), The cysticfibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator in reproductive health anddisease. J Physiol. 587(Pt 10):2187-95.
(10). Yin LL, Chung CM, Chen J,Fok KL, Ng CP, Jia RR, Ren X, Zhou J, Zhang T, Zhao XH, Lin M, Zhu H, Zhang XH,Tsang LL, Bi Y, Zhou Z, Mo F, Wong N, Chung YW, Sha J, Chan HC (2008), Asuppressor of multiple extracellular matrix-degrading proteases and cancerme-x-tastasis. J Cell Mol Med. 13(9B):4034-41.
(11). Xu WM, Shi QX, Chen WY,Zhou CX, Ni Y, Rowlands DK, Yi LG, Zhu H, Ma ZG, Wang XF, Chen ZH, Zhou SC,Dong HS, Zhang XH, Chung YW, Yuan YY, Yang WX, Chan HC. (2007) Cystic fibrosistransmembrane conductance regulator is vital to sperm fertilizing capacity andmale fertility. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 104:9816-9821.
(12). Yin X, Ouyang S, Xu W,Zhang X, Fok KL, Wong HY, Zhang J, Qiu X, Miao S, Chan HC, Wang L (2007),YWK-II protein as a novel Go-coupled receptor for Mullerian inhibitingsubstance in cell survival. Journal of Cell Science. 120:1521-8.
(13). Zhou CX, Zhang YL, XiaoLQ, Zheng M, Leung KM, Chan MY, Lo PS, Wong HY, Ho LS, Chung YW and Chan HC.(2004) An epididymis-specific-defensin involved in initiation of spermmaturation. Nature Cell Biology 6:458-464.
(14). Wang XF, Zhou CX, Shi QX,Yuan YY, Yu MK, Ho LS, Ajonuma LC, Lo PS, Lam SY Tsang LL, Chan LN, Zhao WC,Chung YW, and Chan HC. (2003) Involvement of CFTR in uterine bicarbonatesecretion and the fertilizing capacity of sperm. Nature Cell Biology 5:902-906.
(15). Zhu H, Zhu JX, Lo PS,Leung KM, Rowlands DK, Tsang LL, Yu MK, Lam SY Jiang JL, Chan LN, Chung YW,Zhou ZM, Sha JH, Chan HC. (2003) Rescue of defective pancreatic duct secretionin cystic fibrosis cells by suppression of a novel phospholipase C isoform.Lancet 362:2059-2065.
(16). Li P, Chan HC, He B, SoSC, Chung YW, Shang Q, Zhang YD & Zhang YL. (2001) An antimicrobial peptidegene found in the male reproductive system of rats. Science 291: 1783-1785.
(17). Chan HC, Fong SK, So SC,Chung YW and Wong PY (1997), Stimulation of anion secretion bybeta-adrenoceptors in the mouse endometrial epithelium. J Physiol. 501 ( Pt3):517-25.
(18). Chan HC and Nelson DJ(1992), Chloride-dependent cation conductance activated during cellularshrinkage. Science. 257(5070):669-71.
