1. 学历:博士
2. Email: Jason_Zhang2011@hotmail.com
3. 研究方向:
4. 教育经历
1985-1989 学士/B.S. 南开大学
1989-1992 硕士/ M.S. 南开大学
1993-1997 博士/ Ph.D. 美国阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校
1997-2003 博士后 美国阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校,Max Cooper实验室
2015- 尊龙凯时华西第二尊龙凯时,教授,免疫发育和疾病治疗实验室PI
2013- 终身教授,美国内布拉斯加大学医学中心病理和微生物系
2011-2013 终身副教授,美国内布拉斯加大学医学中心病理和微生物系
2008-2011 副教授,美国内布拉斯加大学医学中心病理和微生物系
2003-2008 助理教授,美国阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校
6. 代表性论文:
(1) Rogosch, T, KerzelS, Dey F, Wagner, J-J, Zhang Z,Maier RF, and Zemlin M. IgG4 and IgE transcripts in childhood allergic asthmareflect divergent antigen-driven selection. JImmunol, 193:5801-5808, 2014.
(2)Lange MD, Huang L, Yu Y, Li S, Liao H, Zemlin M, Su K, and Zhang Z*. Accumulation of VHReplacement Products in IgH Genes Derived from Autoimmune Diseases andAnti-Viral Responses in Human, FrontImmunol. 5:345, 2014.
(3) Zhang B, Liang J, Zhang Z*,Role of biomarkers in management of complications after cardiac surgery. J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino). 55:1-2, 2014.
(4) Huang L, Lange MD, and Zhang Z*. VH replacement footprintanalyser-I (VHRFA-I), a Java based computer program for analyses ofimmunoglobulin heavy chain genes and potential VH replacementproducts in human and mouse. Front.Immunol. 5:40, 2014.
(5) Shi G, Zhang J, Zhang Z, Zhang X, Systemic autoimmunediseases. Clin Dev Immunol, 2013:728574, 2013
(6)Li S, Yu Y, Yue Y, Zhang Z,Su K, Microbial infection and rheumatoid arthritis. J Clin Cell Immunol, 4:174,2013.
(7) Li S, Yu Y, Koehn CD, Zhang Z,Su K, Galectins in the Pathogenesis of Rheumatoid Arthritis. J Clin Cell Immunol, 4:164, 2013.
(8) Liu J, Xie W, Lange M, Hong SY, SuK, and Zhang Z*, Internalization of B cell receptors (BCRs) in human EU12 muHC+immature B cells specifically alters downstream signaling events. BioMed Res International, 2013:807240, 2013.
(9) Huang X, Huang L, Peng H, Guru A, Xue W, Hong SY, Liu M, Sharma S,Fu K, Caprez AP, Swanson DR, Zhang Z,and Ding S-H, ISPTM: An iterative search algorithm for systematicidentification of post-translational modifications from complex proteomemixtures. J Proteome Res, 12:3831−3842, 2013.
(10) Liu J, Lange M, Hong SY, Xie W, Huang L, Ehrhardt G, Burrows PD, Su K,Carter R, and Zhang Z*,Regulation of VH replacement by B cell receptor (BCR)-mediatedsignaling in human immature B cells. J.Immunol. 190:5559-5566, 2013.
(11)Huang L, Lange MD, Yu Y, LiS, Su K, and Zhang Z*. Contributionof VH replacement products in mouse antibody repertoire. PLoSOne, 8:e57877, 2013.
(12) Liao H, Run F, LiuJ, Lange M, Su K, and Zhang Z*, Contribution of VH replacement products to the generation ofanti-HIV antibodies. Clinical Immunol, 146:46-55,2013.
(13) He T, Hong SY, Huang L, Xue W, Yu Z, Kwon H,Kirk M, Ding SJ, Su K, Zhang Z*.Histoneacetyltransferase p300 acetylates Pax5 and strongly enhances Pax5-mediatedtranscriptional activity. J Biol Chem.286:14137-14145. 2011.