• 尊龙凯时·(中国区)人生就是搏!

    西部妇幼医学研究院 流行病学与人群健康实验室详细

    流行病学与人群健康实验室Laboratory of Epidemiology and Population Health


    PI:Xiongfei Pan


    The Laboratory of Epidemiology and Population Health (LEPH) applies rigorous epidemiologic and population research methods to examine potential causes and interventions for cardiovascular and cardiome-x-tabolic diseases and other related chronic diseases. The LEPH is devoted to the following three themes of research: 1) systems epidemiology of cardiovascular and me-x-tabolic diseases; 2) early life origins of diseases and lifecourse epidemiology; and 3) cohort and cohort consortium studies for health-related complex phenotypes. The LEPH has initiated multiple birth cohorts and community cohorts with research partners, and is leading multidisciplinary studies in me-x-tabolome, microbiome, food and nutrition, and environmental health.
